
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Location: Tempe, AZ
Member Since Sep 13, 2008

TopFeuds Beta Tester
On average I give 2.38 stars
I have voted 39 Times

My Mood: (none)
Feuds Won 0


Feuds Lost 0

Ranked: Not In Top 100


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I have not purchased any SHOP items.

My Reputation - 71 PTS.

Level 1

My Fame - 54 PTS.

Level 1

Know Me

Hi, I'm Mavis. Nicknames moo, mav, stavi, mavi, and more that I probably don't know about. I'm 16 and a Junior in v v v v v VTOWN. I'm a peeple person, when I like the people I'm around. I love to party. It's basically my life wheater u like it or not. I've got the bestest friend in the world, Sammi Elise Willard, I love her! I can be a bitch sometimes and get on some peoples bad sides, but I can be cool. I do things that you might not like or approve of, but you should just shit in a hat and wear it. MUUUURY J :)

My Slogans

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I have no designs :(

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My Fans - 8 Total


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